
N 1

It all started with N 1. This was a small scale prototype, made from recycled equipment to save costs and was tested in an artificial tank to provide an initial proof of concept. During the tests, the system removed almost 100% of the waste which we put into the tank.
N 1 is perfect for applications in small drains with a flat concrete bed.

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N 2

N 2 boasts a rich blend of features that enables it to capture maximum amount of waste possible. It was developed by incorporating the test results of N 2. The engineering behind N 2 allows for a wide range of applications ranging from drains, canals to rivers. Its design allows it to function with little human intervention. In its most recent test, the system was installed on a drain outside WHO headquarters in New Delhi and removed waste at a rate of 70 kg per hour. With a wider belt, more advanced drive-train and a better designed waste attraction system, N 2 is equipped to handle any situation.